
Set up a profile on Command Girl to share who you are and show mentors what you need help with.


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Evka K

With over 2 years’ experience as a Front-end Developer and 5 years experience as a Computer Science teacher at primary school in Poland. Eva has a Master of Engineer of Mechanics and Informatics at school and a diploma in Software Development with the Code Institute which helped Ewa break again in the Software Development world!
Ewa currently works as a front-end developer at Google and loves helping others to make better teams and work environment.

Can help with:
  • HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Python
Ideal Mentee:
  • Someone who believes that its never to late to set another goal or to dream an new dream... You just need to work harder!

Kim Kes

With over a 10s experience as a Software Developer where she began by building her own websites, Kim went on to complete a Diploma in Software Development with the Code Institute, which helped her break into the Software Development World.
Kim currently works as an transport planning and is passionate continuous as she develops her education on JavaScript to help her, help others!

Can help with:
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Bootstrap, Django, Flask, Database Management
Ideal mentee:
  • Anybody who is ready and willing to further skill set

Louis Bacon

With over a year’s experience as a Software Developer, Louis has a Modern Languages degree from a top UK university and a diploma in Software Development with the Code Institute, which helped him break into the Software Development World.
Louis currently works as an IT consultant and is passionate about improving others’ skills and bringing them up to speed in the world of tech.

Can help with:
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Bootstrap, Django, Flask, Database Management
Ideal mentee:
  • Anybody who is ready and willing to improve themselves.

Thanh Skustad

With over 4 years’ experience as a Front-end Developer. Thanh has a Media and Communication degree from University of Oslo and a diploma in Software Development with the Code Institute which helped her break in the Software Development world!
Thanh is currently her own boss working as a freelancer and is passionate about helping others.

Can help with:
  • HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Wordpress, SquareSpace Wix
Ideal Mentee:
  • Has a keen eye for details and a sense of design. Passionate for the visuals of the net.

  • Vanessa Cleary

    With over 3 years’ experience as a Software Developer. Vanessa has a Marketing degree from TUD and a diploma in Software Development with the Code Institute which helped Vanessa break in the Software Development world!
    Vanessa currently works as a team lead for a software developer team and is passionate about helping others.

    Can help with:
    • HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, Wordpress, Wix, Leadership, LinkedIn Networking and Public speaking
    Ideal Mentee:
    • Someone who believes they can achieve anything when they put their mind to it and it willing to learn!