inspire-icon Inspire:

Position yourself right in the middle of newglobal insight, mind-opening content and new industry best practices.

network-icon Networking:

Identify role models, connect with mentors and engage in global discussions. We have curated a multitude of networking approaches for all your needs

opportunities-icon Opportunities:

Immerse yourself in over 20 sessions curated to enhance your soft & technical skills, while engaging in holistic thought leadership to uncover the new paths in technology.

inclusivity-icon Inclusivity:

As we rebuild our new normal with careful consideration, uncover and learn how to play an integral role in the repositoring & restructuring of an inclusive industry.

Upcomming Events!

girls in thech hackathon
Girls in Tech Hackathon

Fri, May 15-17, 17:00-16:30 GMT

Take a part of collaborative virtual computer programming challenge with other girls. Learn how to work together in teams and share your thoughts and ideas

the girl with laptop
JavaScript fundamentals

Sat, May 22, 09:00-16:00 GMT

Build your own first game and learn JavaScript in easy and enjoyable way. Online course for girls and that will guide you through the fundamentals.

a teacher at the board
HTML & CSS workshop

Sat, June 5-6, 09:30-17:00 GMT

Take a part of this workshop and make your own first website. The great entry points to the world of code and are necessary languages for any developer or web designer to know